Software developers working together.
Software developers working together.

Reminiscing Service for Memoriaali - Online Service

Software Development

Software Development

Software Development

Reminiscing Service for Memoriaali - Online Service

What have we done?

In the Reminiscing service of Memoriaali, the user can save memories in both video and audio format.

To help the reminiscing, the user can save questions in advance, which the service will show during the recording.

How did we do it?

We designed a visual prototype that follows the visual identity of the Muisti Center of War and Peace. With the prototype we went through the service's functionality together with the customer.

Based on the prototype, we implemented the technical solution with an agile development approach. The implementation also included an open API interface to the backend.

Used techniques

TypeScript React, node.js

"The project was carried out within the given schedule. Mindhive's expertise and comprehensive approach to development work also brought out valuable technical features of the service for us, which we are able to take into account in the service development. Close interaction throughout the project guaranteed a final result that met our expectations."

Pia Puntanen

agent, Sodan ja rauhan keskus Muistin tukisäätiö sr

For more information

Suvi Ripatti

+358 50 569 3115