Digitalisoinnin konsultointitapaaminen Mikkelin toimistolla.

AI-solutions and training

AI-solutions and training

We offer comprehensive AI solutions and expert training to assist your business in leveraging the opportunities presented by AI.

We offer comprehensive AI solutions and expert training to assist your business in leveraging the opportunities presented by AI.


AI-solutions and training

Transform your business for the future


generative AI

AI training



AI integrations

Succeeding in today's rapidly changing business environment often requires tailored solutions. We help you integrate AI and digital solutions into your business operations. Whether it’s enhancing customer experience through digital services, more effectively utilising data, or developing new intelligent services, we are ready to assist you on your AI journey.

We master the possibilities of digitalisation, and you are the expert in your field. Together, we will tackle your challenges or ideas and help you find solutions for developing your operations. Our goal is to offer more than ready-made solutions - we aim to help you understand how AI can best support your business. We assist you on your journey towards a new kind of business that utilises AI and digitalisation, bringing tangible benefits to your company.

Tailored AI-courses

The revolution of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has changed our perception of technology's role in business and society. AI is not merely a tool; it's part of a broader societal change that demands active engagement and understanding.

Our customised AI-training is a great opportunity to deeply explore this new technology and learn how to harness AI as a daily assistant. In the training, we emphasise the versatile uses of ChatGPT, from ideation and learning to making work tasks more efficient.

Join us on this journey where we learn together how AI can reshape our businesses and professions.

The goal of the training is to help participants take an active role in this transformation, developing not only practical skills but also a deeper understanding of the possibilities of ChatGPT and generative AI.

After the training, we offer comprehensive support to ensure the continuous development and practical application of the skills you have learned.

What is this new AI?

Do you feel like generative AI is just some technical thing that only involves IT-departments?

At the bottom corner of our site, you'll find Assi, our chatbot utilising generative AI. Try and chat with her and see for yourself, what she is capable of.

Start a conversation and let Assi surprise you!

By the way, we can also create a similar chatbot tailored to your needs, for example fo customer service or personnel onboarding.

The person behind the course

CEO, Ville Venäläinen
CEO, Ville Venäläinen

Ville Venäläinen

Feedback from participants:

"Ville is an expert in this field and really knows how to help us use AI in practice."

"This was a very good course with great expertise and a nice, relaxed touch!"

Ville is in charge of the training. He is a seasoned educator, speaker, and developer. Ville has helped numerous companies over the years in digitalisation and has been developing information systems and AI solutions, as well as management and business, on a very broad scale.

Ville has 20 years of experience in leveraging AI, particularly in the use of ChatGPT for various business applications over nearly two years. He specializes in integrating AI into software development projects and content creation with AI's aid. At Mindhive, AI is already a part of our daily work, supporting software development, design tasks, and general business operations."

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Why join:
Benefits of AI-training

Understand the possibilites of AI

You will gain a comprehensive overview of the opportunities of generative AI, such as ChatGPT. You will learn how to apply AI to support your specific business and daily work.

Prepare for the future

Our training also aims to ensure that your business stays up-to-date and efficiently utilises the latest technology.

Gain competitive advantage

By incorporating generative AI into your business routine, you can stand out from competitors with a deeper understanding and ability to apply AI in business.

After the training: Let's continue the journey together

In-depth workshops and clinics

We organise in-depth workshops focused on specific aspects of using AI. We also offer handy remote clinics where we can solve your challenges together.

Customised ChatGPT solutions

We can create customised ChatGPT solutions to support your company's operations, which can help in developing internal processes and customer experience.

AI integrations and software development

We design and implement customised integrations that combine ChatGPT and other AI technologies with your company's existing systems. We can also develop tailored software solutions that leverage AI possibilities in innovative ways.

Feedback from course participants

  • I found all parts of the training useful, but the most beneficial for me was the section on inputting prompts.

  • I got a lot of ideas on how to use ChatGPT AI in my work for brainstorming.

  • What I learned will speed up information retrieval and the analysis of various text materials, which is part of my daily work.

  • I gained the confidence to use ChatGPT.

  • I should read through the good prompt handbook more thoroughly. It would be great if it updated as we gain more experience.

  • Overall, it was good training where things were addressed in a down-to-earth manner.

  • My interest and enthusiasm were sparked.

  • The most useful part was the trainer's examples and the breakdown of responses afterward.

  • I got many ideas on how we can develop as a company with the help of AI.

  • A very good event. Can be recommended to everyone.

AI assessment

AI assessment

digitalisation strategy

business processes

changing business environment

What AI can mean for your business

Integrating AI into your company's processes can increase efficiency and spur new innovations. Mindhive's AI assessment is designed to provide a clear picture of how AI can support and enhance your business processes.

Mindhive assists you in taking steps towards utilising AI in a manner tailored to your company's unique needs and goals. Our aim is to ensure the smooth and effective implementation of AI, bringing tangible added value to your business.

Mindhive Oy AI assessments
Mindhive Oy AI assessments
Mindhive's digitalisation strategies
Mindhive's digitalisation strategies
Mindhive's AI assesment
Mindhive's AI assesment

AI assessment journey programme

Current state assessment

We begin by evaluating your company's current state and readiness to leverage AI. This assessment not only offers insight into AI's possibilities within your business but also identifies where AI can be most effectively utilised. The assessment delves into your business processes, technological infrastructure, and staff expertise.

Identifying opportunities

Through AI assessment, we identify concrete opportunities for AI application in your business. Potential areas include enhancing customer service, data analysis for decision-making, or process automation. This assessment helps you discover how AI can support functions like marketing, sales, cost estimation, staff training, or production processes.

Making a plan

Based on the assessment, we collaboratively devise a plan for the necessary steps and resources for the effective implementation of AI in your business. This includes a strategy defining AI integration into your business and ensuring your staff is prepared to utilise these new technologies.

Feedback from our clients

We have helped many kinds of companies using digitalisation to boost their businesses. Here are some of our clients' feedback.

  • Expert service, helps in business development

  • We received an external expert's perspective on the things we have been developing over the past four years, which provided us with the assurance that we are on the right path in our development work. Additionally, based on the service, we will make some priority changes to our own development program so that we can better and faster utilize the development areas identified in the work.

  • A very smooth process and a project that excellently met the company's needs.

  • Mindhive demonstrated excellent expertise and customer focus.

  • We received a clear description and a list of actions to implement the service. The experts provided us with exactly the knowledge and skills that we lacked.

  • The content and quality of the service exceeded expectations.

  • We were able to create a good plan for implementing the app, and now we hope that the app will be completed soon.

  • The collaboration with Mindhive went well, and they understood the kind of challenge we faced from both a technological and financial perspective.

  • Mindhive was able to deliver us a suitable solution, which is extremely important for the next phases of international business development. The consultation progressed in manageable segments, and we received the solutions according to the predefined schedule. Mindhive also suggested measures to ensure that the next steps in international business development are better structured.