Process chart on a whiteboard

AI and data analytics

AI and data analytics

AI and data analytics

Our AI and data analytics experts will take your processes to the next level.

Our AI and data analytics experts will take your processes to the next level.


AI and Data Analytics

Power from AI and data

Power from AI and data

Power from AI and data

We offer various levels of data, AI and machine learning services, which helps us to find not only the problem but also a proposed solution from the masses of data.

Collecting and analyzing data is an essential approach in understanding the business of a company. By finding and learning from data for example about people's behaviour, critical stages of processes or modelling sub-processes, we can create intelligent solutions both in the digital and in the physical world.

Two software developers
Two software developers
Chart on a whiteboard

Our services include:

  • Data collection and processing

  • Data visualization

  • Research data analyses

  • Machine learning

  • Design and implementation of features

We also give intensive courses on machine learning and data project management.

Machine vision enhances quality control

Machine vision enhances quality control

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We provide machine vision solutions with our partner Santa Margarita Oy.

With machine vision solutions, we can implement customized solutions related to product quality control to replace approximate assessment done by humans.

Examples of machine vision solutions

  • Measuring objects and their shape

  • Grading material quality

  • Spotting surface imperfections

  • Detect foreign objects

  • Separating different kinds of objects

Software developers planning together
